Give me the Emote One Handed from the fortnite Item Shop? Would everything pay back?

- in V-Bucks

I'm completely on the emote "single-handed" (fake floss) from the Fortniteshop. Unfortunately, I have no vBucks to hollow it to me… Per PaySafe me which to charge which is not an option, since it is Sunday and thus all stores that sell such, to have…

I would be very attached to you if you either;

- I add to Fortnite (name I will tell you then if necessary) and gives me this emote, I will of course return the favor and buy you a wish remotely from a current shop,


-you send me by private message a PaySafe card code over 10 euro or 25 euro. There, too, I will return the favor and send you a code in the appropriate amount.

I would really appreciate it if you would fulfill that wish!


Does any gas station open?


No here in the area there are none which sells


Do not hope that it really makes one

Ask your parents for money