Is Fortnite coming to save the world on the Switch?

- in V-Bucks

I have a question. I have been playing Fortnite on the Nintendo Switch for a good year now. It's also fun and so, but personally I don't think the current season is that cool, I hate the creative mode because I never have a chance there and in battle royale I end up with campers who always kill me with a bow, or with absolute pros against whom I have no chance in the round. My friends are playing on the pc and saying I should give save the world a try. Only the following problem: The mode does not exist on the switch. I also heard that you can get vbucks and other things there which I think is pretty cool. So now to the question: Does anyone know when the mode save the world comes on the switch or does it come at all?

Thanks in advance and here is my Fortnite name if someone wants to play with me: GG-Synixx


Save the world will not appear on the switch, it simply has too little power. Epic explained this a long time ago.

You have not been able to get V-Bucks in Save the World for about half a year, unless you bought it before the Save the World came out in packs with Skin and Co., only founders can get V-Bucks through RdW.

Save the world is a good mode in and of itself, if you don't understand that much at the beginning, then it can no longer be fun very quickly, if you are at the maximum level like me, then in principle there's nothing more to do.


Thanks that helped me


I mean: VERY helped


That's nice to hear.

Save the world Fortnite? - 1 Ga GaudyMillennium
Save the world fortnite? Ch Chairuttermost