Favorite game?


Which Gane do you like the most so my favorite is Fortnite. You are welcome to write if you have another favorite game.


In terms of game mechanics, etc., my favorite game is gta sa

But from a story point of view, it's far cry 3


Call of Duty - Mobile


OK thanks


Minecraft is and will always be my all-time favorite, at that time I started playing on PC, I had to convince my father to play it on his PC because I was very young, and back then only half an hour a day and only on Weekend and only creative because survival was too brutal, then I just had to gradually show my persuasive skills. So with Minecraft I just share so much, but otherwise I also currently like to play Brawlhalla and Valorant. Lately I also played Fortnite, but I don't see any point in it anymore, because I just tried to place in cups, then words just boring in the long run, even if you take PR with you.


OK thank you


Thanks for the answer


Minecraft just brings a wonderful nostalgia feeling to me. Is just a great game.

Fortnite is a run-of-the-mill shooter that has nothing special at all, except for the toxic community consisting of 10-year-old children.

GTA 5 is actually a pretty nice game too. One of the best open world games out there. However, the online mode is also full of toxic players who do nothing but scream at others.

I used to like to play Rocket League, but the lack of crossplay between PS4 and PC (or lack of voice chat) spoiled it for me a bit.


Why does nobody play strategy games anymore? Age of empires, starcraft, also anno… Or role-playing games like diablo or sacred.


Building games get boring quickly. I think Anno is still pretty good, but aoe is iwie very boring.

I think Diablo is very nice, in general I like RPGs, but is it probably too old for today's youth? KP but hardly anyone in my class knows it and nobody plays it or has played it: / So Diablo, not RPGs in general


How do you want to know? I also play heart of iron, Crusader Kings or real politics from time to time.


So, the first diablo came out in German as far as I don't know. D2 came in 00/01, still in 2d, but groundbreaking. By the way, gets a "revision" towards the end of the year. D3 is completely in 3D and plays smoothly. And diablo4 has already been announced (well, already…).

By the way, I think you mixed up your examples; Traditionally, anno as a development game is more tedious and can therefore be more "boring".

aoe, on the other hand, can get very turbulent very quickly, be over quickly or last forever, because you have endless possibilities, especially since the definitive edition.


No, I prefer to play anno than aoe (especially the anno games that continue to play in the past, e.g. Anno 1404 or 1800). With aoe I always give up: / I only played aoe on my mobile phone, kp whether it's different there.

And I have no idea about diablo 1 and 2, just played diablo 3 and really enjoyed it.


Yes, that's right, the older annos are better - although 2070 and 2205 also had potential and their moments - but you don't play aoe on your mobile phone (didn't even know that this was possible), but on the pc. Age of Mythology, the unofficial successor, is also very nice, but not as well balanced.