Gaming Pc unnecessary?


Hello I've heard that a gaming pc is only good for certain games and then somehow unnecessary and must be replaced… Is that true and to what extent?

Also, where are there good pc's that can recommend to her or how to make a well build herself and at what price that would be because I currently only save and that are the first time dreaming. I would like to play on it Something like minecraft and possibly games like fortnite… Thank you in advance and sry for spelling mistakes…


So I bought a used PC for 145 euro

Then I bought a GPU at Saturn

150 euro

then I built in the hard disk of my Kapputen laptop now I can play almost everything on high settings.

Since I do not earn so much enough for me the PC completely.


If your internet connection is good, it might be worth it to wait on Google Stadia, so you can gamble on office PCs as well.


For pure work (for example, school supplies, e-mail, etc.) is a normal office PC. They do not cost much either.
The catch is that many computer games require significantly more computing power than most Office PCs can deliver. That's where more powerful components come into play, which - as already mentioned - are unnecessary for normal work on the computer.

Such a PC usually lasts many years, if you deal with it reasonably. The games are getting more and more demanding. Since it may be that you have to buy new parts at some point, if you always want to play the top current games.

Self-assembly is usually the cheapest, because you save on assembling, but it can go a lot wrong. Especially as a newcomer in the field, you are quickly inundated with the amount of manufacturers, specs, etc. Good, already assembled PCs you get, for example, for hardware advice. Then you can be sure that everything works as it should. For Fortnite and especially Minecraft also cheaper PCs are enough. As should be enough between 300 and 400 euro.


You have to turn it around rather: some games need more "power" than others, so you may need a stronger PC. Fortnite, for example, does not really need a lot of power, and is already running on PCs from 500 euro okay. But if you want to play Assassin's Creed Odyssey or something like that now, you need a solid PC, otherwise you have to reduce the graphics settings until the game looks totally ugly and / or you have stuttering and low frame rates, and everything looks a bit choppy "out and not liquid.

Especially if you build the PC yourself, but there's the possibility to replace the parts in the future with better, without a complete new PC to buy. So you can usually play even newer or more demanding games.

For Fortnite and Minecraft I would for example Recommend this:

Even more demanding games would run relatively well.

If you want to buy the PC ready, I would recommend or

For DIY, here is an introduction:

Maybe you should watch a few more videos if you want to do that. It's not hard, but mistakes can happen. It does not necessarily break something, but it can be, the PC just does not work at first, then it is often difficult to find the mistake. If you look stupid, you can really break something. Therefore, you should be well informed before you build a PC for the first time. I recommend building it yourself, but you should know what you are doing. Self-built PCs are easier to upgrade as I said.


Ok thank you then are missing only 7/8 😄😂 Spare not see long… Okay you are yesterday


Games are always evolving and getting better and more power hungry, so you always have to upgrade. I say roughly, every 2 years is a new middle class graphics card due and every 4 years a new processor, if you buy something current.

For Fortnite and Minecraft already enough here:

Big fashion packs for Minecraft do not go with that.


Thank you very much I also understood something here 😅


With pleasure. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Fortnite probably runs on a 400 euro PC, but then not on maximum settings, possibly even with reduced visibility. Minecraft, however, at least if you want to play the Java version, and certainly with mods, needs a relatively strong processor, hence the 600 euro model. The Windows 10 version from the Windows Store (which also does not support mods) would probably run on the 400 euro PC already.