How do I get into a Fortnite Pro clan?


I'm very good at the game and would like to join a big, well-known clan. Should I start small and try to join a bigger clan or is there a possibility to join a big clan directly?


Who indulges in Fortnite is really stupid.


Have already won 700 euro at various tournaments.


Everything is beautiful and great, but you will not be able to live it.


Fortnite is going to die soon.


Not worth it! Fortnite is almost dead anyway!


How old are you, if I may ask?

The really big clans are always coming towards you. If you do well in big tournaments, a few talent scouts will catch your eye, yes, there's something in eSports. Otherwise, you can also try to write professional players, but since I see little hope. And if a good clan is enough that is not that big, you can apply for it sometimes. Sites like gamertransfer are very recommendable.

But do not worry so much. Fortnite will not have its hype forever. And esport is a very risky and exhausting job. Many Fortnite organizations also offer very bad contracts, so do not let them exploit you…


Thank you very much, I was at the top of the Trio Cup yesterday, hopefully I'm really writing to jmd.