Good YouTube gaming ideas?


Bring mostly Fortnite videos but with a few clicks. Do you have ideas that are also often clicked?


The only thing that really works is when you come up with something that nobody else, or anyone else, does.


I'm sorry to say so frankly, but getting into the genre is extremely difficult.

Gronkh, Pietsmiet, Handofblood, Dhalucard and all of them have huge communities. Why should not they look at the channel, but look at you? This problem has very many small channels. Maybe they are even better or funnier than the ones mentioned above. But as a noname you will not be so often clicked and appears in the search not far above.

In general, it makes sense to show the latest games. As a small channel but also at a disadvantage, because the big ones get the games partly free to present them.


Getting started with Fortnite is hard. Generally starting with older or very well-known games is difficult. An exception would be if you upload 'Fails', 'Compilations' or particularly extraordinary videos.

Another important aspect is that you should be able to cut very well. And your videos should be in very good quality. So you can find faster people who are interested in your videos too. I have often noticed that new or smaller creators comment on the game very shy. But that is the main thing. Who likes to watch videos in which there's sometimes no talk for up to a minute?

You should generally do YouTube for fun and do what you like. If you look only at the success and the money, the motivation is often lost at the first failures.

Fortnite video ideas? Ty Tyson491