Does anyone have video ideas for me?


Does anyone have video ideas for me. I bring gaming videos on my channel, mostly Fortnite, and want to ask if anyone has good video ideas for me. If necessary, I would then synonymous something of you link. If anyone wants to watch my channel, my name is "Pit gamer" on YouTube.


Jupp, do something interesting like playing with fans (duo, squads) or any challenge like shotgun-only or no-healing, no-shield etc.

As the Fortnite hype diminishes and soon dies down, you should consider a contingency plan.


Do challenges, for example, do not open chests or use shotguns


I have a couple of other games that I will bring to my channel on occasion but I would like to continue with Fortnite one more time. So I have an emergency plan.

I'll think about some fun and cool challenges.


Ok, I'm considering a few challenges.


I would rather advise against it from Fortnite, just because the hype decreases he should wait for a new game and start as one of the first to play the game.


No problem.


Yes, I will then do it but as long as there's no new real hype I squeeze the last clicks with Fortnite out, if you can say so


You could do some challenges or do minigames with a friend


Ok has any ideas for minigames?

Fortnite video ideas? Ty Tyson491