Fortnite bug - Any ideas?

- in Hardware

My niece often has a fortnite bug while playing.

If you click with the left or right mouse button (left is probably for shooting / farms), her figure looks only upwards.

Only after we restart the game, the bug is gone. However, he has now appeared twice within 30 minutes.

And, if you want to mark a destination on the map, or finish the game, the mouse pointer always moves to the upper left corner.

Any ideas?


I think it is a mouse failure.


But how it works can be a mouse fail, if the mouse works fine for several hours, days and so on. 5 min ago i had the same error again. I click "exit the match" and the mouse "walks" to the top left corner. To other q. Could it be that i can't log in to the fortnite forum of epic as a pc player?


Reinstall your mouse driver.


Sry for my bath english.


No no, its ok. You can btw. Also in German write XD I will search the driver now and reinstall.


Okay lol 😂. Yes, just look in the device manager.

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