How can I not use the button in Fortnite?


When I go forward with W and to the left with A I can't press the H key, I made the floor in fortnite and simply can't choose the floor, it worked with my old keyboard. Then I got a new one and it didn't work and now I have another one and it doesn't work again. Can someone help me? Lg


Sorry, but you can't build properly with the floor on H anyway, it doesn't matter whether you can place it or not.


Everyone builds differently? I play like that and it wasn't my question…


Yes, but with h? What does that make sense? Then where's your wall please? On numb lock 8?


If you have no idea then do not comment, even if I had my wall on numb lock 8 I would clap you with my feet, just upset me and did not ask at all and it doesn't matter how you have the attitude, the main thing is that you have fun.


You seem to no longer have fun with the game but are morbidly addicted if you are even good with your feet.