What's so great about Apex Legends?


Quite a few of my friends currently play less Fortnite and more Apex Legends. I hear it's supposed to be like a mix of Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Clash Royale. But what makes it better than Cod or Fortnite?


Well it's pretty popular as it is 1. Free and 2. Ne mix of Cod and Overwatch, just as I said as a free variant in Battle Royale mode.

And at the moment, many are running on this mode anyway and yes, eig is happening. Just the same as with Fortnite.


For one, it's not as visually colorful as if it were made for kids → See Fortnite. The graphic style and the gameplay could be based on COD.

Thankfully, Clash Royale has nothing to do with it.


So from my point of view (stayed away the first 3 weeks before the game)

is it worlds better than Fortnite, as some have said above

not so colorful and childish
the difficulty level is higher
You do not build this stupid thing I personally do not like
The rumgehopse is not as bad as in Fortnite.

In the end, I find it even better than a pubg, as it is a free alternative and various other aspects are better in my eyes