I have Epic Games installed on my laptop so I can load down Fortnite - has still worked, but whenever I open Fortnite it loads only half an hour at least and then when the field comes with email and password to sign then comes a message in English that Fortnite hangs and it must therefore be closed… Help
Processor: Intel (R) Celeron (R) CPU N3050 @ 1.60 GHz 1.60 GHz
Your laptop is probably too bad (too little RAM, bad graphics card, etc.). Buy a PC!
Without any further information about your CPU GPU and if possible about your RAM, you can't answer the question
So Ram installed is 2.00 GB and CPU and GPU I do not know exactly what kind of information you need - do not know me eeecht haha…
The info is already there, the rest can't really be better and even if you limit the 2 GB are even for a pleasant office too little so there are certainly no games on it because I unfortunately have to disappoint you
The hardware is unfortunately too bad to load the game so crash it.
Oh okay and you can't handle this somehow without directly buying a new PC?
Oh okay…
No, unfortunately not CPU's are soldered in the Mb, the graphics unit is in the CPU and the 2 GB RAM Could you possibly upgrade but they should at least on 8Gb, whether that's synonymous ne question. Even for office, the laptop is at the end of his powers xD
When gambling a good old PC stand
I 'm really sorry for you
Ouch okey only half understood just but thank you anyway Luke haha…
So your processor is fixed, and if you can upgrade something is because HP designed your laptop from the inside xD
Aah oh so now haha thanks a lot. Lg back
That's not true, the CPU sits in a socket and is not soldered!
I'm assuming a laptop, which I also wrote in my answer,
Most desktop motherboards have a socket, but some also a soldered, if he writes his PC model in you can of course see how you can help him, even if I'm afraid that a new PC would be cheaper
* I'm a she and not him so please lol and what is a socket please
First apologize for the salutation ^^
A socket is on the mainboard, on the socket the CPu is inserted and thus connected to the motherboard, so to speak the connection for the processor.
Okey no idea again what that all is but I do not care now, otherwise my brain is bursting af
The easiest way would be to send the model number / name of the PC, but if you have little idea of computers I would not advise you to upgrade your PC yourself.
Let yourself be advised before possibly through this beautiful page xD