Why is my screen resolution turned down automatically when I start Fortnite?


I just started Fortnite and after that my screen has a very low resolution and everything is bigger, what can that be?

Why is my screen resolution turned down automatically when I start Fortnite Why is my screen resolution turned down automatically when I start Fortnite - 1

Is the game still open? Or did you not set the resolution correctly in the settings?


Could it be that you have a 4k or wqhd monitor, but the game is set to fullhd? Then that should change again as soon as you close the game


Yes, the resolution was lowered in the settings, thanks


Fortnite changes the resolution, the graphics card driver does not change it back. Try a new driver.


Think is related to the performance and aspiration of Fortnite


The game sets the resolution to what is entered in the settings.

That means if the game runs on Full HD, your desktop will also be displayed on Full HD.

Raise the game resolution or exit the game.


Your screen has a different resolution than the one you use in Fortnite.

This is normal and shouldn't be a concern


I only updated the graphics card driver yesterday

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