How to play games in fullscreen?

- in Hardware

Got a second monitor for my pc. Now I have more and more problems… Eg. When I start mincraft / fortnite / fallguys / apex legends / r6 / it starts on the wrong monitor… If I pull it over it works in most games but in apex and mincraft it jumps as soon as I activate fullscreen with f11 key combination or in the settings it also goes to fullscreen but changes to the other screen… What's going on? I have "made" my main screen as the main screen and when I go to the main screen in Windows, the right one (the main screen) reads a 1… So everything is correct? The volume level is also on the left So the wrong screen…


Then play in full screen window mode.


Does not work either


That is definitely possible. I have 3 screens and I always play in full screen windowed mode and the games open where they should.

If in doubt, you can simply switch the window to the correct screen.


Yes, sorry, I really do it too, but it's annoying I just want to open all the games on the correct screen


In many games you can also set which screen is played in the settings.