Is this finished gaming pc good?


A friend of mine wants to get a gaming PC. I wanted to help him with the search because he hardly knows anything about it. I don't really know what it looks like, but this PC looks pretty good for the price at first glance. He wants to play games like Overwatch, LoL, Fortnite smoothly on relatively high graphics settings.

I would be happy if you would give your opinion on this finished PC. And whether something is missing is not sufficient.


It's okay but I wouldn't order Amazon's PC's. I think 650 you can build or put together something better.


. Would still recommend you to search for "Intel" pcs. Costs a little more but are better from the drivers. And performance may be better at Intel. Take a look at One pcs


The description of the power supply alone is extremely questionable.

Amazon is not exactly what you should take.

The GPU is quite old.

The mainboard is an office mainboard and anything but recommendable.

Furthermore, the RAM is not specified.

So no.

Then prefer this one.

Here is sure that you get quality. And the GPU is better too. Plus more storage. And the NEW Ryzen 1600AF


So I immediately think that someone wants to get rid of old hardware.

CPU about 115 euro
GPU about 190 euro (there are hardly any left)
Mainboard 50 euro (cheapest chipset)

I wouldn't recommend it even for Office


Why should the drivers be better? Such a surcharge for Intel is also not worthwhile in the low-mid budget range. You throw more power out in February than you win.


It feels like it costs less than 190


Thank you so much! The PC is super for the price. And much better


Stay away from Amazon PCs. The is a scrap power supply and mainboard installed. The RAM and CPU cooler lack precise information, so it was saved.

For the budget, you'd better use the system here: