I have to log in IN fortnite again?


If I start Fortnite, then everything runs fine, but after some time in the loading screen, I should log in again and most of the time it is not because the data is supposedly wrong. Fortnite servers are online epic servers too, but I also have internet. Everything should work. Since I can say that I have reinstalled windows and I had no problems with the ping and Internet before the reinstallation. But ALL before I had time 3 months ago massive ping problems where I had constantly detected timeout every 20 seconds. Then I made ANYWHERE that the internet was better again and after that nothing was so far after the reinstall. Now I have already done everything, I have dns server changed I typed something in the cmd what was written on the internet that the internet is faster. It all helped a bit but now, I can't even log in!


Contact the support of the game provider.


Yes, they do not do anything. They want so much information that I do not have…


Turn to the support they ask many questions but it must not be all right even if they are close I had to do that too