Input lag / delay in Fortnite?

- in Hardware

Can someone help me? I downloaded ExitLag a few days ago. A program that fixes packet loss, reduces input delay or latency, etc. That worked very well. You can test it for 3 days for free. After the 3 days, I continued playing 50 minutes after the expiry and I still had a very low input delay. Kind of like I still had the program. The next day I had normal input delay again and then somehow didn't feel like playing and took a 2 day break. Then I played again and my input delay was again very low and I could play again as if I had this program. That was that night again and then I went back to sleep and the next day my input delay is back again and it felt like it was even worse than before. No solution found so I didn't gamble again that day. After that I wanted to see today whether it might be normal again. No it was not. Maybe I thought it could be because of the game Rainbow six siege, because whenever I go from Fortnite to rainbow and then from Rainbow back to Fortnite, I have a large input delay. To fix that I have to go back to Rainbow and again to Fortnite. Then the delay is gone again. So I went into Rainbow, although I didn't even play Rainbow in the whole day and back to Fortnite. The input delay was actually gone again and again for why. But I had internet problems. So I restarted my PC. I start Fortnite, want to play and now suddenly have the greatest input lag of all time. It felt like it was while playing. As if this input lag came in while playing. I have this problem on the controller as well as on the mouse and keyboard or on every device I play with. What is it all about? How can I fix this?


Do you have Vsync on?




Are all drivers up to date? Fortnite ever checked for errors?


With the drivers I can have a look right away. But all should be up to date. Definitely from the gpu. I've already checked Fortnite with this epic games feature. Even deleted and reinstalled it


And all this only happens in Fortnite? No other game is affected?


I'm not sure. I don't really notice that in Rainbow


Do you have any other idea why?


Now after restarting my PC I don't have one anymore. But it may come back

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