Fortnite PC input lag?

- in Hardware

I play Fortnite on the PC, but somehow I have full input lag on both the controller and the keyboard and mouse. Vsync and motion blur are off, I always play on full screen and this "low latency" option in the Nvidia control panel is also set to Ultra. What can be other reasons for input lag?


Only in Fortnite or with other games or even on the desktop?

If you are using a TV as a monitor, this can be the reason.


I use a 60Hz monitor. I also play Rocket League and I have no input lag there


Okay, weird. Then it's probably because of the game. With Nvidia GeForce Experience, use the function to automatically adjust the settings. Does that change anything? Otherwise I can't explain it. A new installation may be a solution.

Input lag while recording? Ca CarleeNoiseless
Input lag decreased? Al Albatross
Monitor inputlag? vi vivaanSavannah