Input lag decreased?

- in Hardware

I wanted to ask, what can I do to reduce the input lag on my PC? It's not as if it were completely huge, I just want maximum fun.

In the PC is a Vega 56, I use an SSD, have a ryzen 5 2600 and a 144hz monitor with freesync on. I play especially fortnite, but also GTA V and CS: GO.

PS. Please no hate komments, fortnite is a breeze, etc.


Turn on anti-lag, lessen the input lag a bit, I have at every game


Aha. OK. What is this exactly?


What do you mean by "input lag"? Is there a noticeable delay between your keyboard or mouse movements? That should not be.

Or are you talking about Lag, which originates on the Internet line? You will only be able to tackle that there. At most your WLAN could be another cause. Wi-Fi I consider to be inappropriate anyway, because it is too unreliable and volatile. I have a network cable along with associated doses across the whole apartment relocated, so as not to have this problem, and do not regret it.


OK. I'm looking for it in radeon software


If you are in the game simply press Alt + R, then the Radeon overlay will open and there's Anti Lag or just create a game profile and set it, but that does not always work with the profile so just do it with the overlay


LAN btw.


In your LAN, so at your home in your home network, should lag no lag, except your network is overloaded by the streaming relationship. Normally, you have more bandwidth locally than the internet. WLAN is, as I said, always a vulnerability. Otherwise, the question is what your Internet provider is good. I think of DSL more than television cable access, since you share the TV cable with other customers (shared medium), whereas you have the DSL line to the distributor for you.


There's no internet based lay!

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