Are there all standard games for the Xbox one like for the Playstation 4?


Are there all "standard games" for the Xbox one as well as for the Playstation 4. I have the impression that there are fewer games for the Xbox than for the Ps4, is that correct? Are the Xbox games more expensive? I've been playing on Playstations for a few years and am considering switching to an Xbox One X.

By standard games I mean:

GTA V, Watchdogs 2, Fortnite, The Last of US, The Walking Dead.


Would you rather buy a PS 4 pro or Xbox one x?


Yes, there are too. But there are also exclusives, i.e. Games that are only available on the PS4 or Xbox One. I would buy the Xbox One X. First because of the performance and second because of the Xbox Game Pass.


Thanks for the helpful answer