Are you going to buy the new Xbox Series X / S or not?


Do you buy the new console from Xbox or do you have an old one (Xbox One S / X)

Xbox Series X

Xbox Series S


Xbox One S

Xbox One X

My opinion:

I've had an Xbox One S for almost 3 years and I probably won't buy new ones, but rather Nintendo Switch games. (Only play 2 games anyway and 60 euro are not worth it, I can play on Nintendo + Pc (Fortnite, Rocket League)


Don't buy


Sorry, consoles = 🤢🤮.

It's like TV with SMART TV.


I currently have the One X

And on November 10th my Series X will come 👍 I'll be playing Cold War and Second Extinction December then Cyberpunk if it's not postponed again😂

Hope the first HDMI 2.1 monitors will come soon


Have an Xbox One without S and X.

and I'm still thinking, because I wanted to switch to PS5 to have a different experience. And since this year there won't be any smart games to justify a purchase this year anyway… I'll take my time to think about it, because I'm currently tending towards the Xbox again. I still have enough to do with Borderlands 3 & The Outer Worlds right now, and a few others that have accumulated over time through discounts.

. And I can imagine that Cyberpunk2077 will be postponed until next year


Yes, the Series X for the living room and the Series S for the office (and the gaming PC next to it).