XBOX Series S / X vs Ps5?

- in Hardware

I wanted to ask if the xbox series S has more fps in games such as Fortnite than the ps5 (endgame where you have fps drops very often)

Probably the XBOX Series X is clearly better in this case.

But does the XBOX have less input delay than the ps5? (Controller)


Don't look at the performance, but at the games. Because ultimately it depends on the game developers how they optimize them.


Not necessarily true, and Fortnite comes from Epic Games, who are behind the Unreal Engine. Their optimization are very good. Consoles simply have too little power.


Sure, in the end there aren't that big differences between the two consoles and the games will mostly be performed the same on both platforms, but I would prefer to get the better one for the same price. Or not?


If you want real performance, I recommend you own PC brand, otherwise both should actually be on the same. You can look at a few comparative benchmarks on YouTube to get an idea of the situation.


Well, Sony already has some great exclusive titles, but if you really like performance that much, then get n Pc. You have to spend more than half of it, but if that's what you want, go for ^^


I had already thought about the pc, but unfortunately the money for it is a +650 euro pc 😅


What does Fortnite have to do with it? ^^


Well, unfortunately, a PC doesn't work out for me anymore 😅


Doesn't have to be an expensive PC. My build that I built in 2017 for around 500 euro with a Ryzen 5 1600x and a GTX 1050 Ti and 16GB RAM (expansion came after the RAM prices fell, before that they were very expensive so I initially had 8GB) with everything low and rendering distance set to epic (what else makes no sense to competetive anyway) I get consistently over 144 FPS.


No matter how. You need an HDMI 2.1 TV or monitor. Otherwise more fps will bring you less


Back then, before corona for 500 euro

And still it doesn't make sense. You can hardly play anything sensible on it. I'm talking about triple a play. If the budget is too low, the console is the better way to go


Not true, can still play games very well. Not on Ultra, but the world isn't for me either.


Emphasis on "still"

How about cyberpunk? And these games are not getting any easier. Especially now the rivalry starts again. New consoles, developers can get more out of it, so do it.


It's already clear that I can't play everything. Cyberpunk won't work best either, but will work. In addition, it's enough for me if my main games like valorant etc. Are running, I don't care about the rest. Everyone has to know for themselves. I definitely see a great added value in a PC that you can't only use it for gaming z. B. The prices are currently high, that's right, but that's the way it is, I would still rather invest in a PC. Won't be a Threadripper and a Titan RTX, but will just fit. Far better than a console in every aspect.


I agree with you there.

I've only upgraded. An all-round carefree package.

Can play cyberpunk on 1440p ultra setting with approx. 50fps


You can't come up with other topics, that you can do something else with the PC except to gamble. Because gaming is only the topic here and the PC has a number of disadvantages.


Not necessarily if he sets the game to Full HD or easy 120 images come through the cable


Yes, the Xbox Series X has more power (PS5 10 Terraflops, Xbox Series X 12 Terrafplos) and the processor is also a bit stronger than you will have more stable frames


He asked about Fortnite


The Exclusivs make up less than 1% of the total games and are all just single players that you get through quickly, who is stupid because of the crucial for a console


At Xbox, you have to pay money to play Fortnite! Fortnite is free to play on PS5.


To be honest, I'm not convinced to loop so many pictures through a 2.0 cable


That works without problems because 1080p pictures are much smaller than 4K pictures, and there's a reason why the standard is 1080p144Hz in PC gaming


But they also have a display port


All good, the whole thing also works with 1. 4 hdmi


Well, set, but also show?


Yep, 1080p at 120 fps works perfectly.


But you don't just play 1 game on the console, so you have gold / plus anyway


The difference is that on Xbox he MUST pay money to play Fortnite. But with the PlayStation it's VOLUNTARY


As I said. Nobody buys a console to ONLY play fortnite


I have a pc. I don't have to pay anything. The hardware is more expensive, but games cost a fraction and I don't need gold / plus ^^