Fortnite Season 4 opinions?


What do you think of the new season? Personally, I like them a lot because the normal pump is back, and SMGs that are not going to OP.

Please only people who have played this game properly or who have already dealt with the game.


So I think it's good but the combat has gotten pretty bad but the good old pump is back and I think all the mps is already strong but that's the meta I think so I think the season is pretty good has been fun again for a long time


All in your opinion. The Combat has turned out really bad, the SMGs are already strong, but they are finally being used again with the pump and not as a main weapon like in previous seasons.


Yes, that's right, so the smgs are used again with the pump, I think that's a good thing, but there are controller players who could only kill everyone with an lmg 😅😂


I think it's really cool, because of the pump or something similar.

However, there are still these noobs who shoot the LMG all the time, which is sometimes really annoying.


The only two points that bothers me are the spawn rate of boxes and the mythical items.

Until now, every box has spawned 100% in its place, now the probability is only 50-70%. That is not good at all…

This superhero stuff is supposed to get out of Fortnite and only disturbs.


I think it's okay if Fortnite brings in something for Marvel fans etc. But to fill the whole Battlepass with it is a bit stupid, especially because there are only integrated emotes.