Is Minecraft better than Fortnite?


I think Minecraft is better.


2 different games… I do not understand what people compare nowadays impossible ffs


No offense.


You do not have to compare it. It was about the question which one personally finds better. If you like Battle Royale, you can find Fortnite better. Personally, I prefer quieter survival gameplay.


Is that a rhetorical question? Of course Minecraft is better. There are many more ways to be almost infinite. Fortnite is just overhyped. In addition, the mainly small children who are too young to play crass things. Accordingly, one often hear small screaming children when using voice chat.


Hmm. I wonder why I've never had little screaming kids in voice chat…


I find Minecraft extremely boring! Fortnite is the best game for me! I think Fortnite is better because…

I find it more exciting.
I hate this "block artwork" in Minecraft.
Fortnite is constantly evolving and always new things come into play.
I like shooting games.
Minecraft is always the same for me. Dismantle and till! Or in creative mode, just placing, placing, placing, placing, placing all the time. Nothing else! This is just boring for me!


No idea, I'm not a Fortnite expert. But in most shooters you can hear little kids screaming in voice chat.