Can one be indicated for it if one withdraws fortnite accounts?

- in Account

I wanted to ask, if someone gives me his account data and I then deduct account, say the password and the e-mail address change so that only I'm on the account.

So my question would be someone could show me if I simply change the account data of the persons who gave me the account?


Hmm. I ask the question differently:

Can someone show me if he gives me his cell phone and then I run away with it as fast as possible and prevent him from accessing the cell phone?

Yes, of course, the one who can show you. That's theft. Regardless of whether he gives you the account data voluntarily or not.


If you get the accounts under false pretense it is quite classic fraud and therefore punishable. If you are given the accounts, so no return is expected, it is legal.


I got the account and changed the account data so I did not get it but I just can play it, so I only changed the data!


And why do you do that?


Well he insulted me and that made me aggressive and I'm only 12 and I do not want an ad


Do you have Instagram?


That is no reason. You are not punishable, but there's definitely trouble.

Give him the account back. If you need help talk to your Elern or just give him the credentials.


No I did not.


Please tell me on Instagram, my name is Bongo.St.Wendel


Okay, exceptionally.


Digger… XD

Fortnite accounts? - 1 Do Dominique5779
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