Fortnite solo unplayable?

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Hello dear Fortnite players I have a problem and I have played around 3000 games in fortnite solos, 130 of which have been won, but for 2-3 months I have had no chance. I even got into the champion division with the ps4 in arena, but I also like to play pubs & I have no chance at all… But it would also be unfair to the other players to have a 2 account, so I'll let it be.

my question is now do you think fortnite will keep its matchmaking or could it be changed again?

I don't feel like playing 5 hours and just to be shaved otherwise I have to stop playing fortnite


We do not know that. Epic only played back the matchmaking system from the old seasons.

Propose your suggestion on the Fortnite Reddit forum, even if it probably doesn't work.

Nevertheless, I wish you much success and enjoy playing!

Fortnite unplayable Ge GeographyWitty