Fortnite Battle Royal - See enemies on minimap

- in Battle Royale

I started Fortnite Battle Royal a couple of days ago and had survived a few laps, but whenever I looked at the map, I just saw the white arrow (mine?) And blue ones. In the log beside blue (my team) also red entries (the opponents) were seen (or vice versa). Anyway, I did not see a red arrow on the map near me when I got shots. Are all other players really represented with blue arrows? Do not want to kill my own team.


You can kill your team net


Opponents are not displayed in all modes. But in the modes in which they are displayed their arrows are always red.

Example group wedges (sometimes) or food battle.


You can't kill your teammates.
Shots of the opponents you see on the map also not, that is to my knowledge after each Battle Royale Sun. Except perhaps by perks in blackout bspw.