Are you still playing Fortnite Battle Royale?

- in Battle Royale

Each of us gamers tried it out and most of us loved it for a long long time, but are you still playing Fortnite? Unfortunately, I don't hear any more about it and it doesn't look as if the new season saved Fortnite. Pity!

And if you stop playing, for what reason? Why has it lost its appeal to you? Did your friends stop and did you move with you or were you too bad to keep up? Or did you switch to another Battle Royale? I would be interested


Sometimes it depends on when I feel like 1 or 2 times a week


I want to play it somehow because I'm relatively good at it, but it's actually no longer fun


I play every day… But because I get addicted or rather it becomes a bad habit or even is, I don't play all weekend… But otherwise during quarantine 2 hours a day


First of all thanks for your answer, but I would like to know why you are no longer having fun? Are there too few updates or new, interesting content? Or is the game just getting boring because it's been the same for years?


So my opinion is in advance!

The game used to be really good! Well until everything really changed. I've been actively playing since season 1 to 4. But then everything changed. Schalldämper scar, disappeared tec 9, and then came the famas. Ultimately, I switched to Cs go.


At some point it was just played out.

I'm now playing apex or overwatch on the ps4.


The problem is, even if it sounds stupid that the players are getting better and better, which means that new players don't want to start anymore because they are always "destroyed" and for better players (like me in the case) it makes it easy also no fun if you have to sweat like an idiot in every single fight to win

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