Fortnite kick bann or what?

- in Battle Royale

Hey whenever i play fortnite and jump out of the battlebus i can land and play cirac 2min kills make everything go afterwards but i kicked directly since i do not cheat but also no VPN and or bad internet i wonder what's going on there


It can't be a spell, because then you would not even be able to register.

I think that is actually because of your Internet, because it is overloaded (?).

I can only half answer your question, you are not banned, but the solution will surely know the techies among us.

Happy New Year.


Mhh that wonders me because I have a 100k line since the newest and actually everything should be running otherwise also every game auser just fortnite


Yes, that's weird…

Have you ever reinstalled the game? This serves A for the connection test and B perhaps for the solution?

Happy New.


Yes, beautiful often does not work


I'm really sorry, but then I can't help you. I wish you luck in finding the search and say goodbye.