Ps4 overheated, please help XD?

- in Battle Royale

Hy. My Ps4 overheated since recently constantly after about 10min. Started when the first heatwave arrived. How it was cooler for a week, but now it overheats in "bigger" games (Battlefield 5) after about 10min. It has now improved, means I can play games like R6S (or my brother Fortnite) without it overheating. Have many (many) games on ner external hard drive if that has something to do with it. Have since today nen external fan. I hope who can help Battlefield have never played properly XD


Consoles have poor ventilation, that's just the way it is

My Xbox one cools a little better, which runs flawlessly

But somehow I do not like consoles anymore


I put my ps4 slim (which should have severe heat problems) in such a way that it stands free and has good air all around.

In addition, a USB fan to the back dranstecken fetched.

The result: she has never rumgemuckt (vll but I was just lucky)


Can unfortunately not play with fan more than 15min, the fan leaves from the back hardly free left only a small part of the rest is full of fans blow out the warm air


The console needs to be aired to be completely free, it needs to get enough air if there's no room to suck in air, then it will suffocate and run too hot

Ps4 (SU-41333-4)? ar armaniRange
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