Best friend is very quiet, why?


Me and my best friend actually talk on the phone every day. We haven't called properly since yesterday. She called me, I wasn't doing too well and she wanted to play a little Fortnite, but I said that I couldn't because I wasn't feeling well. She hung up and then ignored me for hours. I had to think about her the whole time and also spammed her with some messages. I didn't do it to disturb her, but because I was afraid that she would be mad at me and that we would "fight". I had lost it before and I don't want to lose it again. I then apologized, etc. And at some point she replied with chill, please. Today is the next day and she only sent me 1 Snap and I haven't heard from her after that. I wrote to her on whatsapp, she didn't read the message and wrote to her on snapchat. Then she answered me with chill, please. Something is going on, but she doesn't want to tell me and I'm now scared for our friendship. Unfortunately, she also lives a bit far away and this place is not easily accessible, which is why it takes a long time to get there by bus and train. Can you help me please? I'm a boy and so it might be good if a girl would help me, since she is a girl. I've never had a best friend, which is why these are my first experiences and she is very important to me. We actually tele the whole day and also fall asleep on the cell phone, but she didn't even want that yesterday. Please help me, I really care about you and our friendship.

Addition: I think too many thoughts (overthinking) and cause myself problems that don't really exist, and this overthinking makes me spam so badly. She doesn't like that, if she ignores me for a few hours, then I shouldn't spam her, but write 1 to 2 messages and then wait until she gets in touch with me. I'm terrified now that I will lose her again. I actually didn't want it and I'm very sorry about that. I'm just feeling way too bad, my head is broken, my thoughts one way or another, and so is my body and mind. I really believe that I'm just a bad best friend and a bad person…


Just leave her alone! You NERVE!

she'll answer again, but definitely not if you keep acting like that


The best thing to do is sit back and stop worrying about it. Like she said: "chill out"

If she likes you, she'll get in touch. If not, chasing after her won't help either.


Ok I'll try.


You're right, I'll try not to worry about it.


So i'm a girl i can only tell you that what she's doing isn't right, it seems like she's pissed off because you didn't talk to her on the phone yesterday but true friends should understand that. And besides, I think she knows exactly that it is your weak point that if she ignores you, that you run after you. I would advise you not to write anything more react the same way as you send even a snap if you still do not write normally in 1-2 days you can write to her specifically and ask that you do not understand what her problem is, etc.


Your girlfriend was playing snappy liver sausage because you couldn't play Fortnite? How old are you?

And you're also completely overreacting. I would have only asked exactly once twice whether something was going on and nothing more. Not 100 times.

Let her come up to you and please don't write to her anymore.


I wanted to talk to her on the phone, but I didn't play Fortnite with her because I wasn't feeling well and then she turned off her camera at the house party and left the room and came in 2 times for about 1 minute in the evening. I'm trying to do what you told me to do. Thanks alot. Do you think it would be good if I should go to her in 1 week, if everything still looks like this, and surprise her? With a little present or something? Because she is very important to me and I don't want to lose touch with her


Ok, thank you very much for your answer. I'm trying to do what you told me to do


With pleasure! So I can't understand your reaction because it's normal that you don't feel well. If I were you, after 1 week I would go normally without a gift because in the end you didn't do anything wrong, just go there without a gift and surprise her. Try to talk to her.


Just talked again, I just overreact and should, if she ignores me for a few hours, just write 1 or 2 messages and nothing more, that bothered her, which is understandable. She is important to me, which is why I don't want to lose her. I've already lost it once and don't want to lose it again. I think I'm just overthinking too much and creating problems for myself.


What is your star sign? I would be interested because I'm also an overthinker😅


Am scorpion what are you


I'm fish