My friend (14) got scammed! [FORTNITE ACCOUNT] What to do?

- in Account

Somehow my friend is already sorry to lose 100 euro in something like that…


My friend has been searching for a Fortnite Account for days and met through Youtube, who was described as "Sold Fortnite Account for $ 100".

My friend has written under the description of his Instagram with something like, "Hey, I'm interested in your account!"

The scammer then said that the account is still there, etc. And asked which platform my friend is playing (he chatted with him over the account for 2 days as if he had found a new friend)

Now comes the decisive:

My friend has agreed with him that he would give him an Amazon card (100EURO) today!

The scammer has even given him email + password first and my friend right after that the code. Then the scammer has watched if the code goes (He has redeemed it)!

But my friend could not log in because he needed the security code! He asked him if he could get it. But the scammer has blocked him and everything!

NOW: What can I do?

Is an ad going?

-I have Instagram name from him and hold the Gmail + password (but can't go anywhere because he always has to confirm…)

-I also have his Youtube channel or just the video and name of the channel!

-Chat course I have too!


You can always show someone.

But that will not bring you any money! You have to sue under civil law if you have a chargeable address.


I have no address!


Display yes, possible

Civic position no, not possible

but why do YOU have no address, it's all about your FRIEND?


Where we're already here with good question: what is a civil situation?


Aha like that. Do not buy an account. The chance to be scored is very high. Your money is gone. Maybe you can (if you paid with a credit card) ask for the money back from your bank. If it was a PSC card, it's gone.


Gmail is garbage, the accounts can be opened with "Mickey Mouse".

The same is true for Instagram, but here Accs may be more valuable, because the followers and circles of friends can't be easily transferred. The Americans give the German authorities information only about German accounts. The question is, if that makes any sense, the name does not have to be real.

You can also forget the Amazon code card. You can redeem them not only on Amazon but also in the foreign companies there, possibly even convert over prepaid cards into money, etc.


That's different with Youtube. What kind of Acc he has there, if he receives advertising accordingly or has more than just a chat there, more data must be deposited. The problem is that it's only 100 Euro, I know, that's a lot for teenagers, but just asking in English costs a bit.

I would try that with an ad.

By the way…

Report the Instagram Acc for Fraud on Facebook…

Report the game account at Fortnite for fraud…

brings something. At least a bit of satisfaction.

Fortnite account scammed? Ev Evanescent211
Are we being reported now? Th Throatmabel613
XBOX Fortnite account problem? Li Lightwednesday