Does my friend have to worry?

- in Account

So my friend once wanted to buy an account online and it didn't work, it was an error and he still had the money. Then a friend of his once asked him if he wanted to buy an account for a few Fortnite things and he wanted it and then still didn't do it. But he doesn't know if he gave the things anyway without wanting an Acc, because he then said he wouldn't buy one from him. And he is afraid because his friend briefly gave him the account data from his account once and he briefly logged in and logged out again and he is afraid that it is the account he wanted to buy online but it didn't work. And he is afraid that the things he gave were for that he was allowed to register for a short time.

Has he done something forbidden? He is so afraid for his account and is very worried.


Your German is confusing…

If he has done that on ebay, then he can still see from the seller whether it is his friend and you have a mouth and can also ask the friend whether he wanted to sell it or not. At times you have login data and can synchronize them.

But I have no idea about it either. I only know that you get your account back on ps4 if you click on something specific. Had helped someone whose friend wanted to rip his account… His best friend… Shake his head. Well, as I said, I don't quite understand what was there with you, but I don't know Buying accounts is a difficult topic, whether illegal or not… At the same time you tend to pay for the "service" that someone has upgraded, but on the other hand you are allowed to do something like that not and his data also not to 3. Pass on. Of course there's the possibility to set your ps4 primarily to get ps + on 2 consoles, but that is more for your own use and not 3. Use it.


But he didn't buy one


You should revise the question and make it more understandable 🤣 I'm going to sleep now, good night and if you are worried that he will be banned, that only comes if he gets a complaint. I already have a candidate who had to throw his ps4 away because he had a hard ban, but it was my own fault to camp, scam and insult people… But because of account sharing, I have not yet heard someone was banned. I have already been entrusted with 5 different accounts and have set the character in a game or helped them at events where they went to school, that they get their points and was therefore not blocked. You have to do something really bad to get a ban…


OK Good night