Fortnite: do tasks in the battle lab instead of battle royal?

- in Battle Royale

Can you simply do tasks for XP in the combat laboratory instead of battel royale? So does that count and you get XP for it? I also want to do the Taraner tasks today. Since you have to do 5 different tasks after each task to get the new task, I wanted to ask whether tasks that you get from bots also count, so what do you get gold for? Do you have tips / ticks and easier / quicker tasks to do / get XP?

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Thanks, I'm adding a poll. Please justify or so if possible.


You can't do the tasks in the battle lab, a lot goes in group wedges, some things are just there but just in normal battle royale, if you have difficulties you can create a bot lobby with the help of a Fortnite-enabled cell phone. You can find out more about this on YouTube.


Bot lobby? Why only with a cell phone? What's in this for me?


You don't get any real players in the round, but it's still a normal battle royale round. Players don't sweat that much etc.


And can you give me tips to do the tarana task quickly? And how do you quickly get the 5 tasks that you always need between? Do offered tasks count as well?


Is that still possible? How do you adjust that? Is that also possible on the switch?


And what does that bring me


These Tarzana tasks are best done simply in group wedges. You can do the interim tasks in the same round, so it's pretty quick. I would still watch a video in between. Still takes a while.


If you play on the Switch as the main platform, it is also possible, alternatively you can also do lobbies with the Switch Bot when you play PS4 Xbox on the PC. Just take a look at the video.




I only play on the switch. Can you recommend this and what to bring with bot lobbies