Fortnite Battle Pass Levels?

- in Battle Royale

Hi I'm planning to get a Battlepass in Fortnite. But I always do all the tasks But the level of Battlepass does not change much. Even Season 9 Doing all the tasks Season goes on for 28 days and Free Pass Just Lvl40 where my uncle Already lvl 100 has 100 how does it so fast. My problem is also I like to play Other games and whenever I play something different As Fortnite I always think in the time where you play another game you would continue to Level Battlepass But I want to get it that way I'm playing enough Fortnite to level the battle pass on lvl 100 but still have enough time for other games.


You have to get in there, if you want to do it. That can't be done by itself.

The best way to play squad with your friends is to get more XP. Your friends will have XP Boost through the Battle Pass and help you level up faster.

You'll take care of that


To do it without much to gamble you have to buy the Battle Pass right at the beginning of the season so you have plenty of time. Of course you can also buy stages, which is why you can theoretically have the level 100 skin on the first day of the new season. But it costs a lot