In fortnite save the world you can also buy lamas to become "better".
in fortnite costs a whole set around 50 60 euro.
once you buy the battle pass you have to play it through time-consuming so you do not have to pay another 10 euro.
in Rainbow six you can "watch" buy what you can buy other operator.
in Gta 8mio Gta Dollars cost 50 Euro and in gta you could not even buy a jet with 8 million dollars and in the game it is very difficult to get money together (without glitch). 8 million would really take months.
my question why all hack on EA?
I did not have to pay more for any of my ea-produced games than for the cd acquisition.
in Fortnite, I was made to bring the world back when it was on offer (20euro) to earn me so few vbucks (many vbucks have been canceled since the hype on saving the world because it is played for the vbucks). And stupidly the battle pass I got before me because everyone told me in saving the world you get extremely little and thought that would not be worthwhile.
If I had to choose, I'd rather choose ea than Epic Games
Alone the ones that try to tie the players to the game with weekly tasks that are totally corrosive (probably to buy the levels 150 vbucks per level or sometimes 900 vbucks for 10 levels totaling 100 levels)
The weekly tasks you have to do if you do not want to pay again 10 euro to get the new battle pass. By the default "bullying" one is also quasi provided, even if one does not fall for the mesh one is excluded from other players. If you build a staircase, your random team mates shoot you down and let you die. Or leave the game if you see a no skin.
my question is why is eagerly hacked on ea though all game developers are alike although i actually find epic games worse.
EA is one of the few video game manufacturers to bring titles like FIFA or Battlefront out every year and content stays the same. Here, the core of the games on the purchase of micro-transactions and tie the player on long-term.
Well, in GTA, you just do not need to buy your 8 million to be quick better than others. In FIFA Ultimate Team, you will not get better if you do not invest money.
I just do not play many games out of this market situation anymore, because that's just the purest junk.
EA makes it the most offensive and brazen. That's why they're hated by everyone.
1. EA was twice voted the worst company in the US.
2. All games can be mastered without ingame purchases. EA usually manages to be forced to buy to get ahead.
3. Instead of eliminating bugs, new ingame purchases are added.
4. SimCity with its online compulsion. Game destroyed!
5. Many game companies were bought by EA and the games gradually ruined.
6. Many of these game companies have collapsed and many people have become unemployed because EAs desired sales figures were not achieved and therefore radically cut back on everything that belongs to the money spent.
7th time completely honest. Every year a "new" game rausbringen, no improvements to the previous and only change the cover - but again concede huge amounts of money for it.
In gta you can only compete with others from rank 120 (which takes a long time) because then you have all the weapons you have to pay for
arum should be the boldest see no difference
Call of Duty is the same at point 7.
Point 6 has nothing to do with the topic.
Point 5 Opinion I find all the games I have from ea good
4 did not play that what do you mean?
3 bugs you have to personally report to ea what has pros and cons. There are bugs eradicated wrong. There are also other bugs to play when you change you can never turn everyone away. Which bugs do you mean?
2 so far I have not paid anything else but the cd. In which game is one forced to do so?
1 that for me has just become a trend on ea just to hack around unwarranted (still) in my opinion.
Of course, point 6 has something to do with the subject - you can hate companies for hiring other companies, ruining them, and then cheerfully dismissing employees.
5. How old are you and how many games do you have from EA? Do you have the old ones, who are still from the "bygone days"?
Honestly, before I rattle this down here, let's google it. There are several reports, newspaper articles, etc pp. Your question is more than clear
Are not they from Canada?
I've googled enough and for me ea is not worse even less bad than the others.
point 6 1 is not chewed on ea because of that I'm just talking about the play2win loot system that does not interest me! And if ea can't afford the numbers what should they do? This often happens with game developers and you would know that even if you hit the Google box a bit.
I'm old enough that I could play on PlayStation 1 already.
i have star wars 1 and 2 battlefield games my friend has nba fifa need for speed all the sports games etc
I also play sims but only my nieces nephews etc.
Laid mostly on Battlefront 2.
Since the game progress was slowed down over the normal games and accelerated relative to microtransactions relatively. What is problematic, because it was not only cosmetic, but also strong playful benefits. And that's just a no-go at PVP.
But it's also a certain running gag to blame everything on EA.
And even if other publishers also offer MTX, it does not seem so extremely unfair there.
And you also have to buy bunkers and other to buy the newest vehicles that are better to keep up with others. For example, the new aircraft. Or flying vehicles.
That's exactly what I do not understand. I think that's just like playing with others. Just as slowly as pay2win. I have the game myself. And was able to level up fairly quickly? In Rainbow 6 and so on, it takes forever to get the good operator unlocked. I do not see any difference.
That's what annoys me, this running gag, or as another said a prime example. I find that unfair ea over. This is the only company that has replaced my cinderblock cd for free. Ea is really the customer friendliest company for me. They helped me several times, the service is by far the easiest. Find all this unfair
In spite of everything, GTA brings good content, modding support, story, etc. So I did not find the online mode either bad or felt like investing money. EA, on the other hand, releases the same game every year as a new version. See FIFA, Star Wars, Madden, etc. These games are then sold for a full price of 60 euro and more, but have the same content as any previous game. By switching, of course, there are "new great things" that you can work out after a long game or you can just buy directly. So the money is pulled out of the pockets with the addiction and compulsion of the players. The GTA franchise, on the other hand, is one of the best selling games of all time. Through the microtransactions try to get even after the time of the sale still money.
Modding Not supported. They can't glitch the heel just patch any other glitch is patched right away where do you see a support? Star Wars 1 and 2 are completely different games for me, but if you expect something completely different, it would not be called Star Wars anymore. And Star Wars 2 has story. That's just completely different?! The hero modes. The missions just everything?!
and in gta it takes forever to make money legally without tricks. The bunker aircraft garages are sauteier. And you have to buy if you want to have the better tankers and airplanes, which in turn costs 10 million dollars, worth about 40 euro worth
And ahja the most played is fortnite. And the most sold Mario but you mean of course for ps Xbox and pc
Nope. It is relatively harmless compared to R6. In addition, every operator can work with his own tactics, because there's no "best". It does not take that much for a long time.
Battlefront 2 had the problem of getting big percentage benefits. If the opponent has both bonuses for damage and health, you are vulnerable.
The good old Fuze can at least equip a shield to protect himself.
Regarding Running Gag: That is already justified. EA has had problems with its studios for decades. And consider how much money they take with MTX and how little it benefits the actual gameplay.
And what about GTA if you have the old tanker that can withstand less missiles than the new tankers? The new ones even have more guns and can still lay mines? For those you have to buy bunker at least 1.2mio then you can play the missions you can make faster by paying back Gta dollars for the supplies.
With the old tanker you are also vulnerable. Or if you sit in the old vehicles and one comes with Opressor or Deluxo. No chance.
legal It takes forever to earn the money until you have the better vehicles
So just like in Star Wars 2 where you seem to take forever to strengthen the skills.
so no difference
Think about it when you play a heist you probably need IF you are lucky enough for an hour (only for the final one). (Couple deaths included.) And then you end up with only 40 percent of what I usually think of $ 1,250,000 if I'm not mistaken (Pacific heist), that's $ 500,000 then when you've finished the final, you still have to get ready They take half an hour to die 45 minutes or more, or no joint.
much worse than ea
And I mean when you play with random or average player. Without tricks at heists.
There's no good and bad operator in R6. - It depends only on your own style of play, and you can unlock easily enough by playing normal R6S.
EA and customer friendly? I once had the problem that my Burnout Paradise had reached the license limit and I should contact the support…
After an hour (the queue suggested to me that it was my turn in 20 minutes…) someone picked up who was not even able to speak to me in nonsensical German… On the contrary, most of the conversation took place in English because of me that was just too stupid. This only told me after this wonderful long queue that I was wrong with him and led me on… (Why are there always these choices, if I'm oh so wrong?) After another hour, of course, I was not so calm and there was again ran, who was hardly able to use the German language, also here the majority of the conversation took place in English. - This one was then responsible for me (after all) and reset the license limit…
I summarize:
2 hours for a 5 minute problem
+ Should I again reach the license limit, I may contact the SUpport again.
Please where is the service?
At least you do not have to spend real money in COD to have a real chance in online mode like FIFA does…
If you want to have the better weapons yet and want to unlock the skills that the weapons do not pull, etc. Which creates an advantage
No, that is wrong. Play even the Black Ops and Modern Warfare series. - But probably will not buy more COD. The skills and weapons you unlock by level up, please inform yourself at least before you post.
"Please inform yourself first before posting" I can't inform myself about every game 100%. Nobody has time to gamble or google. Come on, please? Did I react here like you to people who said the wrong things about Gta? What's so bad about correcting someone? I play cod myself But until now it was only from time to time I'll see if this is really the case. I remember that differently, at least in cod ww2
and ea games are certainly not the only ones who have such a level up system alone Gta is a good match.
But that must be so. I remember you could buy these lootboxes that were thrown away in which those enhancements could possibly be in and other things. 1 to 1 like Star Wars 2.
I will not look any further next week when I get my cds again
I said that COD has a level up system, so yes, EA Games are not the only ones, I have never said so, so I do not know why you come to this point now.
No idea if WW2 had it like I said, I only played the BO and MW series.
Where does GTA come from? Have not we been to COD and EA games before? Where did this jump at once?
How far can you compare GTA with that? Sure, GTA V is clearly designed for grinding and wants to make real money buys, so I do not play it online. But still: There's there, unlike RDR2 no premium currency and you also have a real chance as a normal player. However, when I compare this to Fifa, where you are almost forced to take real money into your hands to have any chance, then I think EA is at a whole different level.
"In COD you do not have to spend real money to have a real chance in online mode like FIFA…"
you wrote that you write now
"I do not know if cod WW2 had it like I said, I only played the BO and MW series."
Now I say to you please inform yourself first before you post.
"I said that COD has a level up system, so yes, EA Games are not the only ones…"
Level up system? I wrote "so" a level up system. Almost every game has a level up system?! Hää then you would have to play Gang beast if you do not expect any level up system. In known shooters there are always level up systems and with "so" I meant with real money Erwerbare.
"where does Gta come from?" why should Gta not come because it is a good argument against it or what? Is in my question only cod and ea games? No! Likewise, I could ask you where does cod come from?
It's about whether ea deserves this extreme criticism or not there you have to compare it with all the big game companies just Gta also Rockstar.
I had mentioned from the start that I have only experience with the MW and BO parts, you are the passively aggressive here anyway, if that were so, they probably would have driven that course in BO4 as well. As it was according to your information / theories already in WW2.
And yes, level up system, but you seem to put every word on the Goldwage, but fine, then I'll come to you like this: YOU said "SO A LEVEL UP System," without even giving an example, expect of us you do that, but do not do it yourself. So please what is this pointless point?
Where does GTA come from, that's the only thing you're going to get into here for, and what I wrote after that, you're going to zero, even though this is well documented with conclusive arguments. If you already answer, please do so completely, because at least once again I drew the FIFA comparison on which you received zero.
No you did not mention that from the beginning, I quoted you as the beginning. Then you should not just write cod if you do not share cod have any idea. There are also games at ea that are not mentioned here?
no you are the passive aggressive with "inform yourself before you post" even though you have to do it yourself haha 😂. As you can see, I do not react to people who politely share half knowledge.
On the gold scale you have to put that because it makes no sense. I mean a bit you have to be able to express yourself when you start to discuss. I rather believe that you simply have no idea what level up system means and have confused this with the term loot system.
since you have something against it if you post something before you know a game to 100 percent, I'm also on your "arguments" fifa and rdr2 not entered. Haha. Because I absolutely do not know about the games.
I do not have to because the pay2win system in Star Wars Battlefront 2 also exists in other games.
It's about whether ea is the worst game company and I think gta and epic are the worst. Of course, since most of them have also addressed Gta, do I react to that? I can't help that you do not mention other games? Where is the meaning please? Haha 😂
And what do you need an example for the sentence "such a level up system"? Level up through money? Can't you imagine what that looks like? Or do you want to say that actually ea are the only ones in this universe who do that? I have named examples.
cod ww2
gta you either have to earn the new tanks slowly or buy with the old tanks or vehicles otherwise you have a disadvantage
star wars battlefront two you have to earn the skills or buy otherwise you have a disadvantage
and haha call of Duty Iw
Do you see I say why do I need proof of what everyone should know
Let's take Mario outside and go through in the current Francise from 2015 times. The surrounding of the individual games was always changed within each release, so that from the outside Star Wars 1 and 2 are totally different games, but in essence they are exactly the same. The jump from FIFA 18 to 19 was insignificant. Nevertheless FIFA 19 costs up to 70 euro and still offers in-game transactions. A game like Mario does not bring much new content, but has remained a classic of the time. Fortnite, on the other hand, is a basic Free-2-Play game and that's why I would be tracking microtransactions in such a game. (If I would like the game). But GTA Online also differentiates between Early- u- Lategamecontent, so that a game motivation remains. (Personal Opinion) As everyone knows, EA also bought the "Simpsons" game licenses back then and made incredibly bad tracks after "Simpsons Hit'n Run", which was disappointing for many fans as well. But I think the core of the question should be answered.
So I did not know fifa, but why would I complain about Star Wars? I do not understand, and I bought the game right away. No is not answered but let's leave it.
And one more question how would you have liked the Star Wars 2? Which changes? I'm looking forward to the answer. Because I find the game varied and very different from Star Wars 1. More change would probably not be Star Wars anymore but Sims probably
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is graphically and technically a good game. But the gameplay, especially the multiplayer, always reminds me of Battlefield scrap. It still lacks the game's own brand that it needs, as from the part of 2005. A classic it will be no more.
So tell me how did you do Star Wars Battlefront 2?
"no, you're the passively aggressive with" inform yourself before you post "even though you have to do it yourself haha Wie As you can see, I do not respond to people who politely share half knowledge."
=> "THE QUESTION IS BUT WHY? I do not think so write something which is worse"
====> This is passively aggressive, but good, so continue:
You have to put that on the gold scale because it does not make sense, I mean a bit you have to be able to express yourself when you start to argue, I just think you just have no idea what level up system means and have that with you Term loot system confused. "
Nice that you post this, but again ZERO to what I have written, full of meaningful discussion. ^ _ ^ - But good: At FIFA you have to buy the players for real money in online mode, simply said, that's what it was all about.
"since you have something against posting anything before you know 100% of the game, I did not comment on your" arguments "fifa and rdr2 Haha, because I absolutely do not know about the games."
I've never said, but sounds so expressed nen bissle as nen AFD voter / image reader who wants to twist the facts.
"I do not have to because the pay2win system in Star Wars Battlefront 2 also exists in other games."
Yes? Where, then? So far, no concrete non-exhaustive examples of you, so much text and so few arguments to bring is ironic, do not you think?
"It's about whether ea is the worst game company and Gta and epic I think is the worst." Since most of them have also addressed Gta, I of course react back to that? I can't help but not mention other games? Where is it? The meaning please? Haha 😂 "
Where is the sense to start a discussion, if you do not even listen to it, sometimes as a counter question? Because as mentioned before, you have not had that yet, and a few hours ago, I already did a post on customer support for EA, which you did not react to before. I personally use and do not have the Epic Games Launcher, so I can't comment on that, quite simply.
"And what do you need an example of the phrase" such a level up system? "Level up through money, can't you imagine what that looks like, or do you want to say that actually ea is the only one in this universe to do so I have named examples. "
gta => You only get credits through real money, NO level ups.
cod ww2 => As already mentioned: IF you were right, they would have followed this system in BO4 as well, which is not the case.
"gta you either have to earn the new tanks slowly or buy with the old tanks or vehicles otherwise you have a disadvantage"
=> Not everyone likes the PVP Askept, there's also a passive mode and at level 33 you have a pretty good chance, but that's a matter of opinion.
"and haha call of Duty Iw"
=> That's your opinion, just because it's not fun for YOU does not mean that it's no fun.
And Wow, a link, finally vouchers, has only lasted 4-6 Posts / Comments. - And again a COD, which I did NOT play, so thank you again for not reading.
I play GTA completely different. For me there's no PVP and therefore no tanker. You always have chances against the AI.
Farming money is still very good. Finally, there are always money rewards or bonuses. That will not fail.
Then do not play with Random but with people who know what they are doing… Or at least not the Pacific.
Save bissl and buy the drug lab, a vehicle warehouse and / or the bunker.
In addition a crew, who organized themselves on MC / CEO work and you will never want to play differently again.
By the way, Star Wars does not pull anymore, because you have completely defused it. The progression has become relatively fair.
With me that was not so to me the ea was very friendly called me back. Sent me a free CD several times though I admitted I scratched it. Have me a week later again called to ask if everything is OK.
Have your message flown over if I should have overlooked something important and you want an answer to it you can ask again but shorter please.
and nee then not play with randoms does not work you do not necessarily play with friends a games developer should calculate with a. I do not have to play with iwem because I have 500 million. I'm only talking for the others