I have the new fortnite update 8.10 installed to play again. Everything had worked without problems before the update. After the update, I wanted to start fortnite and then came this window on my screen… I had only made the update otherwise nothing. Can someone help me? Or, the problem still someone after the update and could solve it?
I had already uninstalled Fortnite, uninstalled Epig Games launcher and even rebuilt the PC and made sure to leave no rest data from fortnite in folders
gone down, which I overlooked to clear.
Seems to be on your Windows itself. Even if the GTA V concerns this also seems to be the cause of your problems regarding Fortnite:
Here you can read, or download the .dll file:
If it still does not work, just reinstall the program. The old version but once suaber uninstall and shut down between PC and start again.
With CCleaner (https://www.pcwelt.de/downloads/Cleaning-Tool-CCleaner-556951.html you can also clean the registry before you reinstall the program.