Valve Anticheat CS: GO?


I just asked myself why Valve doesn't have a good anticheat. Because in every round of Deathmatch there's at least one hacker… Or why does Steam not just buy an Easy Anticheat license for CS: GO, I've never met a hacker in Fortnite, Or why don't you let another company program an anticheat for you, if you can't do it yourself…


Oh the annoying topic, I withdrew from the ESL because I was banned on about 75% of all servers in my free time.

A really good player. Ain't no hacker who just masters the game and its rules, also on a physical level, perfectly.

Baning someone like that is like burning witches. A mockery of modernity and culture.


Nobody knows, I find it annoying myself. But I also find Easy Anticheat complete garbage because where I wanted to start a game with it I should turn off my RGB for a PC component, which is a bit too much just to play a game, isn't it? I find that a bit strange too.


Turn off the RGB?


I mean RGB is not what keeps me going, just found it very funny


Ah, so there are no cheaters in fortnite… There are also many cheaters in fortnite (I don't call them hackers because they aren't).

CS: GO has a very useful anticheat, not good, but useful.

Well, no one plays deathmatch seriously, so no one cares. In competitive, they try to find more cheaters, with overwatch etc.

You will also be sorted according to the trust factor. So if you are new, don't have a phone number / prime, flam a lot, etc. Then you are more likely to get caught up in a game with cheaters and other flamers.


Yes, what can RGB cheat, i mean.

The eproms, in addition to the color with the latency of the last LED set at the end of the RGB snail, buffer the last POKE that is hidden somewhere in the one billion memory variance of the addressable areas of your ram - and buffer the last glitch via the bios, or What?!

Looked at logically, anticheat thinks you would rub the RGB LED part and manipulate the resistors in order to generate a backfflop in the addressing of the memory.

I laugh at myself "black" light.


VAC isn't exactly your understanding of anticheat. VAC does not look at your game patterns, but at the contents of your hard drive. If it finds something that is similar to an already known cheat, you will be banned immediately and without argument. This means that you don't even have to cheat to be banned, you just have to own cheats to be banned. VAC is actually only half part of the process. The other part consists of Overwatch, a program whereby suspects of other players are observed and their behavior / movement patterns are assessed, whereby cheaters can be recognized better than by EAC.


I think you don't quite understand yourself.

If it finds something that is similar to an already known cheat, you will be banned immediately and without argument.

First of all, VAC bans are not immediately valid, but in the event of a detection your account will be flagged, the ban can only arrive days or weeks later, so these are delayed bans. On the other hand, your hard drive is not checked, but the processes, these processes are checked and the signature and MD5 hashes are compared with known software. In addition, VAC checks your DNS cache, since most of these cheats are used commercially, authentication (DRM) is required, which leaves an entry in your cache, VAC intercepts the cache and compares the entries with already known servers which are used for license checking.

This means that you don't even have to cheat to be banned, you just have to own cheats to be banned

This is nonsense, if there's no process of benefit, you will not be banned. You can have hundreds of cheats on your system, but if you don't have any of these processes running when you start a game, nothing will happen.

The other part consists of Overwatch, a program whereby suspects of other players are observed and their behavior / movement patterns are assessed

These are not just any players, but these people have been around for a long time, little reported, many wins and some other criteria, at that time they had the opportunity to register for Overwatch and thus become part of this community-based process. New participants are checked according to the same criteria and added to the pool if necessary.

Not everyone is checked, only players who have been reported, a random repetition of an 8 round segment is selected, which is evaluated by the players of the Overwatch committee. If a large number of these people are of the opinion that something is wrong, you will be blocked, otherwise the case will be discarded and checked again for new reports.

However, it makes a difference whether you are banned from VAC or Overwatch, as these two processes have nothing to do with each other, but are 2 self-contained systems.

In the future, please only answer questions if you are sure how something works and do not babble about something you may have heard, it will not help anyone if the information you provide is incorrect.

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