Nintendo switch or ps4? Which console?


I wanna whey a console I need your help. For now I need a console where the family can sometimes play… I had the whole time the ps4 I'm head because I wanted Fifa, fortnite, … Play. But then came from some the argument that the Nintendo switch would have better games and as it would also give Fifa, fortnite, gta and otherwise. From others came again that the Nintendo switch would not be good and I should take the ps4. There are more games. What would you advise me to take and why? Lg


The Switch is a great console for Zelda Mario Kart or other family games (my favorite splatoon) the Playstation just has more power and I do not find the families game console. But it really depends on you what you want more


The question is what kind of games do you really want and what is important to you in games, if the graphics are very important to you, then be the PS4 Pro or XBox OneX. There's a huge selection of games for both consoles and some exclusive games that are only available for one or the other.

If it's important for you to be flexible with the console, then better the Nintendo Switch, no matter if the TV degree is busy or not, you can always gamble your games, even mobile when you're out and about, that's a very nice thing. Above all, there are many family games and co-op games, plus the exclusive games for the Switch which are really great (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Zelda BotW, Pokémon lets Go, Super Smash Bros, Mario Odyssey, etc.), titles like Fortnite, Skyrim, Crash Bandicoot, Doom, Diablo3, Rocket League, Minecraft and Co. Are available but mostly a little bit worse off the graphics than on the PS4. As far as Fifa19 is concerned, here it is so that the switch version runs on a different engine, which I personally find quite pleasant because it controls itself more directly, but that's a very subjective impression.

Otherwise, no GTA5, Red Dead Redemption 2, Fallout, FarCry and so there's not (yet?) For the switch, who you expect it should be ne PS4 / XBox.


For the switch, there are not better, but other games. And probably less. The switch is meant primarily for children's games like Mario etc. Although there are also some ports of typical adult games from the other consoles, but where you have, if you do not want to be mobile, on the stationary consoles the better gaming experience.

It's just a question of the type of games you want to play.