340 euro for Nintendo Switch with fortnite?

- in Account

My father is about to buy a Nintendo Switch with fortnite. But you can get it for free in the Nintendo Shop. Is that then if you download this forever? Or just for a while? Please shave. Oh, and membership at Nintendo costs 20 euro a year, so the account? With what you then e.g. Can buy games? Are there people who are familiar with the Switch and Nintendo that I can ask about other things?


Yes that's right forrnite is free.

The Fortnite package only includes in-app purchases, in this case I think 1500 Vbucks and a skin.

However, the Switch is the same and just has a different design.


Oh, and membership at Nintendo costs 20 euro a year, so the account? With what you then e.g. Can buy games?

The account itself costs nothing and games can be bought and downloaded at no additional cost. What is chargeable is the online service for online multiplayer in games such as Mario Kart, Pokemon or Smash Ultimate. Some free 2 play games can also be played online like this. The service also offers things like cloud backups in case your console or memory card breaks.

Fortnite can be downloaded and played for free on the Switch, but the Fortnite Edition has a few extras. 340 euro for a switch is currently okay, you can buy another variant if you are not interested in the extras but the console is the same (except for the design on the outside). If there's no cheaper edition in the store, there's nothing against it.


VBucks is the currency, isn't it? Never played before. What can you do with it? Is that how you get it?


OK, thanks and is Fortnite as a card or downloaded on it?


I think it's preinstalled on the console, but I'm not entirely sure.


Ok, thank you, I generally know nothing about Nintendo (Switch)