Is it worth switching from Xbox to pc?


I've been playing for about six months on xbox and am considering switching to pc. Mostly only gamble Rainbow six and gta from time to time also Fortnite. Would the change be worth it?


Yes, yes and Ja


Haha Thank you


I would say yes.

With a PC you have a lot more compatibility on the one hand, so you can play a lot more games on the PC (Windows) on the one hand and use other programs such as office programs, video editing, image editing, etc. On the other.

You can also upgrade the PC according to your wishes, which is not possible with the XBOX.


If you have the necessary money, yes, otherwise you can continue playing on the xbox


Upgrading is not necessary with the consoles either, the games will not be optimized until then


You can't optimize a game so much that it runs on the same quality with less performance.


For me personally it's about money, everything would pay in the sense of my father lol only 1. I'm on Xbox without wanting to show off or really good and that's why I'm slowly losing the "fun" so it's still bucking not like the beginning I prefer to sweat so yk about it


The Xbox one is now 7 years old and all games still run great on it


Sure, but the graphics on the Xbox are not comparable to those on the PC. #nofront


Depends on the price range