Am very depressed about sports but am Trz proud?


So m / 16 I go to the gym 5 times a week and yes everything goes I do a mix of body training with own weight and with external weight. I also use machines. Now to the topic. I just sit in my breaks always around and look at other people. I compare myself with the widest in the studio that's just there. After that, I always feel bad because I really give everything and bodybuilding is my 1st priority even if this is bad because school is more important. I just want to have my body, which I imagine. And those in the studio are almost on this body that I want. I'm making progress and everything and have been training properly for the past 1/2 year (more exactly 1 year but wrong at the beginning). I just want it my body and know it takes time, everyone always says TIME and PATIENCE and in my opinion that's true, but trz I'm sad when I see something like this, because these Perone are closer to my goal. I'm not jealous or anything I begrudge anyone, but would like to get faster to my muscle mass. I will not take anabolic steroids or stop exercising because it's my passion. I drive when it storms, when it's snowing and when it rains with my bike out, because nothing is more important than me.

does anyone know such feelings and know how to handle them?


I also started building muscle a few months ago and I felt that way in the beginning.

Meanwhile, it helped me to think about how everyone else looked exactly like me and started somewhere. You have to be aware of this fact, then you think differently about it.

It is actually time and patience, you can't afford more.


You should look less at other people and more at your own PROGRESS. Rejoice over what you have already achieved and that you are getting closer and closer to your goal.

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