Yesterday when I quit fortnite my game mode was creative and my settings were low. When I just started Fortnite the game mode was on pure gold and the settings on epic. Was I hacked? But how and why I didn't get an email because I have 2 factors. I also got a FA from a Qar oleq and no round was played.
What do I do now and where should I go with it?
You don't understand the point of a hack.
Ok you apparently have no idea if someone "hacked" you would no longer have access to your account… And if you are afraid of it, change your password
I just want to know what happened no more
It was just a question of whether I was hacked. I just wanted to know what happened!
What should have happened to them? Just because the settings change doesn't mean you get hacked. You're too uninteresting for hackers anyway.
You already know what hacking means?
The settings have been reset from your pc. Or you simply have not saved.
I don't know what "jackets" are either.
Yes, really funny, was auto correction.
What do you mean saved? I played with low settings all evening
The settings and the game mode. I also got a friend request because I still have v bucks on my acc, it could be that this person "hacked" my account and gave everything to his account in 3 days