Can Fortnite have 2 winners or 0 winners in a solo match?


Let's assume:

There are only 2 players left in the end zone, both have only 1HP and are perfectly next to each other so that they are hit by the zone to the millisecond. Or these two players stand next to each other and one of them throws a grenade at the feet.

Will both players die or both win in the 2 scenarios?

In such a situation, how then does Fortnite decide who is the winner?


Will then probably be drawn.


One wins, one loses. Nothing can change that.


Unfortunately, that's just a 50/50 chance. One wins one loses even if they died at the same time.


Then it depends on the programming;

The grenades have a radius and drag objects such as players into an array, i.e. A list. Then a foreach will probably go through and every player will be damaged. But because only player for player is passed through, the one who was later on this list wins, as he will receive damage later.


If both die at the same time, success in the game counts (kills, ADR, EXP earned). Otherwise, the one who died last wins (also depends on the second, millisecond).

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