Is there still a good stretched resolution for Fortnite?


Hi, is there still a good stretched resolution with which you lose little up to no FOV?


1904x 1040 (exact tens of the height I do not know)

I can recommend you 1700x1080, I used myself, and have no fov problems


Do I have stretch as well?


With Stretch you lose by definition FOV, that's always the case, has always been like that and will always stay that way.

What you are doing is to restrict the FOV to the side and then stretch the remaining on your screen. If you do not give an FOV you have nothing to stretch.


Stretchen has recently become a spillover, but 1900x1080 is extreme stretch. LG, jknerd


You know that's not stretched, but you have 80% less fow!

Of course, that's STRETCHED!