Is Fortnite the best game ever?


In the Twitch numbers, Fortnite has been number 1 for 2 years and there are still a lot of people playing this game

Can you say that Fortnite is the best game ever?


Where is Fortnite the number one?


Just because Fortnite is on top of Twitch, I would not judge it as the best game ever.

In general, the question is, what makes the best game.


Not now, but look again later


Yes, but in your sentence, years number one. LoL is very often first.


Yes, but most people play it


No, there's probably a tournament degree


No, I watch Twitch LoL every day It's a good game, too.


And? Tomorrow is probably a game that even more people play.
Does not mean that it is the best.


It was already apex was only 1 week popular now not more

and fortnite has been very popular since 2017


Watch again in the evening and at night and then you will see that fortnite is the number 1


Yes, but as I said the sentence in your question has made no sense, because Fortnite is not always the number one. You must also remember that LoL is about 6 years older than Fortnite and it has more viewers more often.


If you look at Fortnite's reviews, it's not the best.
If you look at the relevance of a genre, vllt
If you look at a technical implementation no.
If you look at innovations in gameplay, etc. No.

You can't really say what the really best game of all time is.


Fortnite has never really been the "best" game, apart from the fact that you are only talking about Twitch here - that's a minimal amount of cake.

Do you look here:

Then you see that Fortnite is # 1 in most views (98.5 million), League of Legends in 2nd place (94.6 million).

However, if you go on "Most Streamed", then you see that Fortnite has an average of 8500 channels active, while League of Legends is just 2900 (I take the 2 because they are # 1 and # 2).

This means that per channel for:

Fortnite: 98.5Mio / 8500 Channel = 11,600 views per channel
League of Legends: 94.6Mio / 2900 Channel = 32,620 views per channel

This is a clear sign of a big difference in quality.

You can't compare the rest like player numbers, such as Player numbers, number of hours played - as these numbers come from companies. Are these just maximums? Are these constant values? What counts as playing lessons (already online in the client, online via mobile, active in a game, this includes the search for a game, champion selection, waiting times, etc.).

Here questions were asked for Fortnite, for which there were no answers:

What is the division of players between the Pve mode Save the World and the Battle Royale part?
Are the 125 million at some point reached peak? When was this time?
How many players actually log in daily?

PS: Since you're all about player numbers the whole time, here:


That's not true at all, now for a short time because there's a big tournament, but otherwise league always has fewer spectators


Yes, because the people are bad, they hate the game because of that


Yes and? Nevertheless, they have more viewers. Your sentence still makes no sense.


Thanks for the good explanation.


These are constant values:

These are dying values:

However, both games have a good performance - but Fortnite was far ahead of a game that is already so old, as it falls back further and further. There was a time when Fortnite was so far ahead that even tournaments have not changed. Now it happens even without tournaments.

Interestingly it gets really, if one goes on 90 days. Everything is green in League of Legends (except the number of Broadcasters), while Fortnite is all red except for Viewer Ratio - but it's still 3.5x smaller than LOL.


Then please just keep your opinion and disappear again in your Fortnite.


LoL has been around for so long and is popular


Disappear in your Minecraft


Even though I prefer lol, fortnite is just more popular. Without tournaments lol is usually only 2 if not even 3 (if dota tournaments raushauen)