What is the best computer / console game you have ever played?


I just talked to a colleague of mine about computer games and console games, and I really noticed that I really only gambled on games from a certain genre or from certain publishers and never actually tried anything else.

Why do I ask this question and I hope to get as many answers as possible.

By the way: Obviously Fortnite or Super Smash Bros Ultimate are currently in hype (or were it ^^), but was that really the BEST game you ever played?

LG to all, the answers.


My own favorite:

Nintendo's masterpiece: Kid Icarus: Uprising


Because it simply focuses on a topic that is rarely touched upon in other games: Greek mythology was very well processed into the story. Graphically, the maximum was taken out of the 3DS. The supposedly difficult control is a matter of habit, but the level of difficulty in the game is individually adjustable and even for experienced players it can come to tricky situations. In terms of multiplayer, much thought and created an exciting mode.

But what convinces me most is the character design. Many and above all very own character were packed into a story and dialogograms, which are also funny when playing the story 3x.

That's why the game earned me the title "Best Game" and the icon is rightly my profile picture.


I spent most of my time with Guild Wars (1) and Settlers 3. The latter I still play several times a week, but without nostalgia factor, I can recommend this to anyone else because graphics and resolution are borderline. Actually unreasonable.

Emotionally I found the story of Final Fantasy X, the game is in general too much grinding to have invested, except for the main story, even more time. The Longest Journey I thought was nice, but without a solution book I would not have come to the end, nowadays I would not have the leisure for such things.

I had fun the most (except the MMOs or other games with friends) at Tropico 4. Bes. With the crazy professor.
And Gems of War, which has been messed up since the UI upgrade, a year ago. Once upon a time.

Short entertainment was in the two portal games and Pid.
In general, I also like to play the Lego games.


Siedler3 is probably the best of the series, for me personally and also has high Gegenspielwert.

But generally you have a good taste if you ask me.


My favorite would probably be hollow knight, simply because I love this graphic style, but I'm not sure which game I played the most. Either it was Terraria or the well-known Minecraft. Especially for the latter, I find the infinite possibilities cool one has. Whether you're playing standard Minecraft on a server or a pretty fat modpack by not recognizing the game as well as you can, it's up to you to decide what kind of attraction appeals to me.

So much for Minecraft, in any case comes under the top 10 still Assassin's Creed, where I liked brotherhood especially. The darksouls series should not be missing in the list and especially part 3 occupies a very special place in this list.

The two portal parts are also simple games that you must have played in my opinion.

GTA V also gives me a lot of fun, especially online mode, although it can be boring / nerf to collect enough money for the various very expensive things.

I can only recommend you look at it hollow knight, it is really just fun and nice to look at, otherwise I hope I could help you with this list and have fun playing.


Thank you very much for the detailed answer.

I look at all the games that are called here so I think it's important to broaden their horizons over 5 games.

There are many games known to me that I can only recommend.

But Minecraft must also be missing in any given answer xD


Of course, Minecraft is missing in this list, I have also seen that it has been proposed more often and it seems you have not been so irritated so far, I thought I try my luck.


Haha ^^

Yes, Minecraft is following me here a bit xD


Have you already found something you enjoy? Although I currently have no PC to play smart, but will soon be built and then I need supplies 😄


So what I can recommend to you, which was not mentioned here, but I was already thrilled, was the game "Rise of Nations"

If you know Age of Empires, RoN is VERY similar to AoE. A few game elements have been added and some have been redesigned. For me, dad quassi is a successor to this game.

I can definitely recommend you.

But if you have a 3DS, I can highly recommend Kid Icarus: Uprising (as I wrote in my own answer)