How do I ruin the fun of Fortnite players?


I have for private reasons what against Fortnite (or against the players) how do I make that the players have no fun in the game? (300 euro per month for a hack client is too expensive for me) please stay constructive! And do not insult uselessly because I insult a very beloved game.


If you do not like to play it then just leave it. Others like the game and like to play it. Why do you want to whet the appetite for the game? Just let them and do not make your problem to their problem


My son plays that plays 14-16 hours a day…


But other people can't help it. There you have to take care of it and keep it for a fixed time how long it is allowed to play. My son likes to play it too. He would most like to sit in front of it all day. It was already so far that I have broken down the Playstation and put on the closet because he did not want to turn off.

The scepter is in your hand…


He has no son, he is the son himself.


You should ask yourself if you are the reason why he plays almost the whole day.


@ Knutschzwiebel, oh so… Then he is probably addicted to gambling and does not realize that he constantly loses.


I also think it's not the problem of the other players or the game, but the problem of you and your son.

if he's really stuck with the game for so long instead of being at school or sleeping or moving and meeting friends, it's computer gambling and should 1) possibly be addressed to a therapist, maybe even as a family therapy (because there are certainly a lot of lying in it, if he prefers to interact with the game instead of sitting) and 2) would be another measure the withdrawal of the device or the online capability of the device.
In each router you can set up for certain IP addresses and devices and parental controls with time limit. Maybe you should do that sometimes, even if it will certainly lead to protests from your son.

but of course that's not how he behaves.

but somehow to push players or even the game itself ansich is absolutely pointless and not constructive. The two parties can do absolutely nothing for your problems.


He has no son, he is the son himself.


Step 1: Grow up.

Then the problem has already been resolved.

I do not understand what people like about Fortnite so much, but I just play what I enjoy and keep Fortnite out of my life. Should you do too, instead of wasting so much time and energy on something you do not like?

People have different tastes, that's the way it is, if you can't accept other opinions and tastes, then you make life unnecessarily difficult. Hatred is not good for anyone who just eats one up.