Fortnite only 60 fps full screen in the window?

- in Hardware

Hi and I have in fortnite if I have full frame always about 150 fps but if I full screen in the window games I have only 60 so it's not over 60 why? Must be at the game and not s.der gk because I have the full picture of 150 to 200 fps


Because in windowed mode, the refresh rate is set by the operating system.


And can you play liquid in the window?

If so, ignore the FPS indicator. You can't care about that. The FPS are only interesting if the game is jerky. Does it not serve it only to give what a great computer one has but is totally meaningless.


And one can change that somehow earlier I had in full screen in the window mode synonymous more fps


Increase the refresh rate in the OS.


Full screen V-sync is activated, so limited to 60fps! Can you switch off or leave it, because more than 60fps you do not need anyway!