Gaming pc recommendations?

- in Hardware

Hi, I want a gaming pc that runs very smoothly so at least an i7 processor or something similar and has good graphics so rtx 2080 or rtx 2070 don't know me so well and it should have enough RAM so 32 gb would be really cool but 16 would also sufficient it can cost a maximum of 1200 euro and the most important thing it has to be finished I can't build something together

the games i want to play are:

Forza horizon 4 with relatively good graphics and smooth

pubg and that liquid

cod bit


dirt 5 or one of those

the Pc may cost a maximum of 1200 euro


Nice that you want that…


It costs ~ 1200 euro. More details are included.

rh take this one, it's worth the most. Get a rtx 3070 in a reasonable configuration for 1200 euro, it shouldn't be ready anywhere else. Much else is not to be recommended due to the difficult market situation and availability of parts

Good PC Games Recommendations? Pe Penitentshallow