Will I create a new graphic card recommendations?


Hi I'm trying to create a new graphic card.

Have some info about the pc in the pictures.

Have a bug of 100 euro what can you recommend so?

Zocke dead by daylight (on low settings but liquid)

fortnite (not liquid)

Payday 2 (to a maximum of liquid)

Will I create a new graphic card recommendations

At least the save rather 80 euro on it, that brings zero to buy 100 ¬ a Geakka. At the present state.



There's only one new used.

I was lucky and got a 4GB RX460 on eBay for 80 euro.

NEW but you also get a RX550. That's enough for your requirement.

But I would definitely opt for the RX460.

What else is nice and needed?

Z.b a GTX 770, 950/960.

Also, these cards correspond to your CPU AMD x4 945.


Make sure that you do not buy fake cards on used cards. They mostly recognize that they are NoName cards and are sold to you as new. In addition, the prices are not realistic compared to other name providers.

Here is a typical fake card:

Will I create a new graphic card recommendations


And here's a real one:


These are NOT a buy recommendation! Serves only as an example!


And here is a useful second hand you can pay with PayPal which gives more security.

Will I create a new graphic card recommendations



What kind of power supply do you have?